Monday, October 18, 2004

What Is The Cost For Mirena

Seconds residents: the cardinal!

Despite the appeal of my first residents ( Otocinclus and Corydoras ) - or rather because of their appeal - like the new fish grew during the week, with the The idea of a bank that would take possession of the tank volume. I nevertheless decided

wait a bit to offer them a new home by themselves. Saturday was therefore devoted to first gardening, cleaning and maintenance .

But Sunday morning, flanked by the two eldest, direction Paris Bercy Village Animalis two subway stations.

I left with a shortlist of choice, fairly conventional way: neon, cardinal or red-nose. The red-nose
offered were not what I was looking for: pm rhodostomus not pm bleheri . I preferred cardinalis ( Paracheirodon axelrodi ) neon ( Paracheirodon innesi ) taste, although they are considered more fragile.

So here I am left with a batch of 10 cardinalis to € 18.40.

Bench cardinalis - Paracheirodon axelrodi ( source)

At home, I place my acclimatization process. When I turn back the light, a piper at the surface remains at 45 degrees. I have little hope at that time. An hour later he was on his back, then sank suddenly. He was able to go cling to the suction filter, This has complicated the recovery.
But nine others seem to have well supported the change and they begin traveling the ferry.

Today Monday, back from work, my biggest told me that one of the cardinal was injured. Indeed, it has a sort of large gash on its side across the width. I'm pretty sure it was not the case yesterday, so it's not a quick dip. Attack another fish? I doubt it, although sometimes Otocinclus feels like racing in one or two. Wound on one of the roots in a sudden movement? One of my roots is quite rough and raw.
Anyway, an hour later, the same end as the first. Two killed in two days! : ((

By learning, we read many stories of massacres, diseases, fatal invasions by algae and whatnot of the same ilk. But when it starts, it is hoped that secretly n 'All these problems will not end ... very common!

I've had algae and these are my first death. This is a blow to morale.

Saturday, October 22 Note: Fortunately, the bad news are arrested there. The eight remaining cardinalis seem fit. Their movements animate the tray beautifully. They even said they wanted new friends! ;)

- The plug Paracheirodon axelrodi on
- The section on varieties of Veronica innesi , simulans and axelrodi
- Sheet of Paracheirodon axelrodi on


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