Saturday, October 9, 2004

Airtel Landline Bangalore Directory

Stock fish in Ivry (94)

It's been a while I wondered about the hobby clubs, scholarships and other events, evidence of the existence of actual communities of hobbyists - as opposed to virtual communities , I know well already.

I took advantage of thirty years of Association amateur aquarist Ivry (AAAI - 40 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 94400 Ivry sur Seine), with open doors and stock aquarium, to make me a first impression on any this.

The poster of the thirties of the AAAI

The club is located in the basement of a local municipality of Ivry, while the stock market took place in a room on the ground floor.

The award was small, with just a dozen tanks and half the sellers. In general, there are individuals or members of associations, making farming or less of the reproduction, and on time aquarists wishing to part with some fish. It is also used equipment, plants, roots, etc.. The fish were
classical scalar, Ramirez, corydoras, Ancistrus, bearded, discus, danios, guppies, etc..
Prices are generally very interesting: for example, Corydoras aeneus to 1.50 €, groups of 5 corydoras Sterba to 18.00 €. I actually took a lot of them.
Some even see another advantage to these sales channels: the quality of fish is better than in pet stores and other specialty stores with less fragile fish. However, this depends heavily on sales in my opinion.

I then visited the club. Unfortunately, I did not have much time to discuss and better understand how such a club. So I mainly watched premises. The first room contains
bins presentation and serves as a meeting place. Several tanks larger sizes: ocean, Amazonian species, large cichlids, piranhas, etc.. The second room
dozens of bins in which members can practice maintenance and reproduction of many species.
My impression, perhaps wrong because I have not had time to discuss, is that the number of active members is really quite limited, but they spend much time. For my

First, I do not join a club because I can not get involved enough in this business. But I'll try to get scholarships as possible.


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