Saturday, October 9, 2004

Does A Black Tie Go With A Blue Shirt

Specialist shop: The Tropical Aquarium (92)

Enticed by a message in a forum talking shrimp Caridina japonica to 1.50 €, I realized this morning in the shop specializes Tropical Aquarium (22 avenue de Verdun 92120 Montrouge).

The Aquarium Shop tropical

struck me as I entered the large surface store, which is unusual for a Paris boutique. It is really nice to walk and stand back. The heart of the store is also the entry: a large room with a huge aquarium behind the bar.

Unfortunately, it was off, perhaps because it was early. A few other tanks were also extinguished. Moreover, the staff was busy at the interview.

I will not judge the ocean because I know nothing, but it seems there's choice, both in fish than crustaceans, anemones, corals, etc..

For water sweet, the choice is correct and the price seemed to me below the standards of Paris, which may remain high nonetheless. As for quality, it is difficult to judge but I have seen nothing shocking.
However, the plants were sad-looking, well that brand Tropica. Perhaps they are there for too long? This

joined the only criticism I will make a whole: the bins are clean and have everything done to correct but not sharp and shining. Satisfactory but not excellent.

I have not paid attention to hardware and other products, or their price.

Finally, I bought 4 Otocinclus affinis to 3.70 € piece. However, there were more Caridina .

- No Website Store
- The rating on Tropical Aquarium


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