Sunday, March 14, 2010

Inside Of Cheek Swollen

25,000 public housing in Brussels 3600 days (number 5). March 2010.

The Brussels regional government arrangements for summer 2009 are ambitious. They provide, by 2019, a dramatic increase in the number of public housing by a standard to achieve in the next 10 years 15% of quality housing management service and Focus Social .

It seems that the current percentage of public housing is 10% but the exact numbers are unknown. Specifically, to meet the standard, about 25,000 public housing should be created in two legislatures (20,000 dwellings over the estimated "low"). It is therefore at least 200 units per month.

is an extremely proactive as tens of thousands of people waiting impatiently in a city where he can live where housing is provided, but where said housing gobbles up the majority of the budget of the poor.

Nine months after the regional elections and eight months after the creation of new government, the concrete signs incite pessimism regardless of the willingness of each other. The concern shown and theoretically laudable prior consultation barely conceals the painful absence of concrete progress. The objective

new concerns not only the construction of dwellings ab nihilo, but also the transformation of offices and property abandoned housing and the continued construction has already begun. And agreements concerning construction and transformations in the short, medium and long term , that is, logically, long term of 10 years, with a few short years and a few months.

For long-term objectives of a few months, we can already say the near certainty of failure . In fact, I usqu'ici, nothing concrete has been announced in these areas. While in cons, time has to abandon a project of the previous Parliament and reviewing other projects down.

If the government's objective was met, he would build, renovate and remodel. Manufactured housing costs on average at least 300,000 € all inclusive (land, construction, ...). Renovation or conversion, perfectly efficient and effective, could cost around € 50,000 per house included. The minimum conceivable average per home produced can be estimated at 100,000 € per unit concerned. In this sense, as virtually no accommodation is still created, regional and local authorities currently save at least 20 million € per month. This letter

bimonthly aims to be a modest boost to a party even minimal objectives is achieved.

State of the realization of the 25,000 homes in 3600 days (known to 25 March 2010):

  • number public housing new built : 58
  • number of public housing created from offices processed : 0
  • number of public housing created from homes and other buildings abandoned: 0
  • number of public housing created by other means (purchase, rental ,...): 0
  • (-) Deletions of public housing (acquisition by tenants, destruction ,...): 0
  • Total new public housing actually created: 58
  • Time elapsed: 8 months since the political agreements (9 months since the beginning of the legislature)
  • Time Left to complete the provision of housing: 111 months
  • Total number of public housing which should in principle be created during the elapsed time (based on 200 units per month): 1,800
  • Minimum amount saved by regional or local authorities in Brussels at the expense of those who occupy the dwellings: € 180,000,000

additional information:

- A site was conducted by the State Secretariat in Brussels Housing and Urbanism of the previous Parliament. Only the home page of the site is still accessible, but content has been removed three months ago. It seems that a new site should be directed futures by the administration, but this seems almost as complicated to build social housing in a real bricks.

- The text of the Agreement on Government's 2009-2014 July 12, 2009 is available on page
http://www.parlbruparl. / images / imgparl / accords2009/accordsfr.pdf .

- Batibouw In early March, Christos Doulkeridis, secretary of state responsible for housing, says "Access to property is for households the best path to emancipation and autonomy, so it's a way to encourage and develop politically. I fully support ". It would be a very beautiful STATEMENT No notwithstanding a big financial details: even with a regional aid, the citizens awaiting housing currently have rarely afford to become homeowners.

If you provide relevant information, they will be released in the next letter.

Didier Coeurnelle, councilor at Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

Orajel Versus Anbesol

I walk!!

It's official ...
I m
has rch
and or t is ul
since yesterday, Saturday, March 13. Everyone waited for me to let me go for a while ... but I used to throw myself on the ground after two or three steps. And then, yesterday, like that ... I told myself that c 'fl has

the o m m ent! Mom was not there, but I showed him what I could do when I get home ... I dr ole me nt st fi
me! Mum and for that matter ... She congratulated me at least 53 times! : O) I understand that it was a great moment ... For the trouble, mom you put photos on the blog ... I do not know it yet! A + Ga bri el
E t. .. pe tit bo naked s. ..

Good ... There's still time for
it ends like this:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Russian Belly Punching

The death of death. Number 12. February 2010.

Supplement to Pascal's wager: what if having subscribed to the nonsense could cost us immortality. (Jean Rostand, 1894-1977, Thoughts of a biologist)


Theme of the month. Demography and life with an aging negligible.

--------------------------------- Never in the history of mankind, we n 'have been so many. And every day the world population is still increasing. But it increases less rapidly.

more citizens have a high standard of living, the longer they live. And parallel, more citizens have a standard of living and long-lived, less children they have. In recent decades, this has been so spectacular that even in countries where life is longer, the population began to decline.

It is therefore possible to imagine that, contrary to intuition, a world without aging will be a world with a relatively weak growth of the population.

A Russian researcher Leonid Gavrilov, and was delivered to projections based on the Swedish population. If by some miracle tomorrow (or "by nightmare" for some), mortality due to aging disappear, but other parameters remained the same, in a half-century, the population of the Scandinavian country would have risen only 35%.

In fact, if it slows the aging radical, the most likely evolution is:

- Firstly, if life expectancy is much longer, it will be possible for women to be fertile much longer, the population will have almost tends to stabilize because many women decide to wait longer to have kids.

- Then, for several decades, the population would increase relatively slowly at a rate slightly faster than if the death of old age was maintained but not much more.

- This is the long term, though several generations able to coexist and have children if previous generations continue to have children than the population change is worrying. But when the aging become negligible, we have decades to adapt. In fact, the adjustment period will be as long as the time that was necessary-in many states of the world to go to the birth of four children per couple to two-child per couple or less.

Fear of overpopulation dates back centuries. It is an Anglican clergyman and economist Thomas Malthus who will be the most famous propagator of the idea of the danger of too rapid increase of population, there is a little over 200 years. This fear was spreading that the world population was less than one billion inhabitants. Today with more than 8 times the world's citizens, the level way of life achieved is immensely greater than that which prevailed in the year 1800. Even if there is enough for hundreds of millions of global citizens,

So it is, we repeat, that after half a century we have to choose between living longer and have much children today. Unless the world has changed in the meantime so that these issues arise in a way that most of us can not even imagine today.


The good news this month: Belgium expectancy of healthy life seems to increase faster than expected Life


According indicators of social protection in Belgium published recently, not only contrary to what is often asserted, not only increases life expectancy but also life expectancy in good health. And even better than that, according to published figures, life expectancy in good health rise more quickly. Thus, between 2004 and 2006, life expectancy in good health at age 65 would have increased by one year for men (from 8.5 to 9.5 years) and 1, 4 year for women (from 8.4 to 9.8 years).