Saturday, July 31, 2010

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The death of death. Number 17. July 2010.

We could be the next generation in history to have a normal lifespan. We do not need to know the cause of aging to slow . (David Sinclair, a biologist at a medical conference Tedmed - Technology Entertainment Design-in 2009).

Th è me this month: The extreme age and science fiction

A life without aging seems to be a favorite theme of science fiction. In a another world or in the distant future, the future humans or other intelligent beings live without the simple passage of time is a factor of decrepitude.


Yet in the vast literature of anticipation or imagination, narratives describing a life without constraints of age are virtually absent. And when men, women or other people do not age, at the cost of major suffering for themselves or others.

The four categories of fiction that you can meet.

Foresight moderate. These are probably the most numerous stories. Science fiction explores the boundaries of contemporary but away from it in fact very little. The world is equal but women still remain in the background. Or do women have become equal to men, but they stayed and they are very white skin. With the same moderation, the science fiction medicine sees human beings grow and live a little longer. Sometimes more than a century, but rarely more. Thus the extraordinary medical technology in Star Trek does not prevent the heroes of old. Or, as in recent works Globalia or statement , advances in medicine can achieve a higher age limit but at the cost of many sufferings, a progressive degradation and social injustice.

Universes dystopian (anti-utopian). They describe different environments but worse than ours. Men live without dying of old age but they die of something else. The film (and novel) Age crystal where men do not age but are killed when they reach thirty years illustrates this theme. It may also suffer horribly as the immortals in the film Zardoz where a group of humans welcomes the possibility of death as a deliverance.

artificial environments. is another frequent theme in science fiction. Formerly, there were men and robots. The men left, only machines still facing eternity. Or worse, for example Terminator, robots are immortal but they want to destroy humans. Sometimes, as in the film AI Artificial Intelligence , the robot accesses to humanity. But this access will be priced at what these stories seems to be the last feature of the human face of machines endowed with reason: death.

mutants. The last category includes environments that are more fantasy than science fiction. Immortality is but for some unexplained reason generally, it affects only some are different. And almost always, these immortal undergo a kind of curse: they are suffering and pain. Thus, the hero (almost) immortal Highlander must kill each other. The stories of vampires and zombies are virtually indestructible in itself an entire genre of literature and cinematography. And in which the fate of both consumers and consumers is rarely very enviable.

Why so few stories optimistic? Obviously, the stories where people are happy are less exciting. But there is also a psychological explanation. If we begin to expect not to grow old and die, it would contrast contemporary life unbearable. The conscious and the unconscious can grow to avoid the subject. Hope is a poison that even a writer wanting to loose the real reluctant to impose.

But the progress of research make the literary exploration of these prospects easier and closer. The recent film Mr Nobody is the first work of anticipation spread wide in which human beings "normal" are those who live without aging. Even though this film also addresses other issues and it is still quite pessimistic, the Belgian director Jaco Van Dormael crosses the border.

The good news of the month: The cancer rate continues to decrease steadily

Contrary to what is often claimed and collected, cancer mortality is steadily decreasing among men, women and children. Too many women die of breast cancer but are less numerous than before. Too many children die of leukemia, but they are fewer and fewer.

Thus the United States, according to statistics recently published by the American Cancer Society, cancer mortality decreased continuously 20 years. For example:
- the rate of total cancer mortality was 178.4 per 100,000 in 2007 while it was 180.7 per 100,000 in 2006;

- the number of deaths from cancer has decreased 2% per year for men from 2001 to 2006 and 1, 5% per year for women from 2002 to 2006.

The non-collection of this positive news has several causes, including the main one is another good news. Imagine the trees gradually lose their leaves, but some much more slowly than others. After some weeks, the impression will be that the remaining trees provided the most have more leaves than before, while only less bare. It's the same with the dead from cancer: as other causes of mortality decline rapidly, declining less rapidly in deaths from cancer appears as a progression.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

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25,000 public housing in Brussels 3600 days (number 7). July 2010. 3600 days or 383 years?

Governmental agreements Brussels regional summer 2009 are ambitious. They provide, by 2019, a dramatic increase in the number of public housing by a standard to be achieved within 10 years 15% of quality housing management service and social purposes .

is an extremely proactive that tens of thousands of people waiting impatiently in a city where he can live where housing is provided, but where the housing gobbles up the majority of the budget of the poor.

More than a year after the regional elections, concrete signs incite pessimism regardless of the willingness of each other. The concern shown, actual and theoretically laudable preliminary dialogue is accompanied by a painful lack of concrete progress. And close observers are concerned about the absence (almost?) Total new projects.

However, the new objective concerns not only the ab nihilo housing construction, but also the transformation of offices and property abandoned housing and the continued construction has already begun. And agreements concerning constructions and transformations the short, medium and long term , that is, logically, long term of 10 years, with a few short years and a few months.

For long-term objectives of a few months, we can already say the certainty of failure . While in cons, during this same period, a project (admittedly probably bad) of the previous legislature was abandoned and other projects have been revised downwards.

If the government's objective was met, he would build, renovate and remodel. Manufactured housing costs on average at least 300,000 € all inclusive (land, construction, ...). Renovation or conversion, perfectly efficient and effective, could cost around € 50,000 per house included. The minimum conceivable average per home produced can be estimated at 100,000 € per unit concerned. In this sense, as virtually no accommodation is still created, regional authorities and local save currently at least 20 million € per month.

addition to savings at the expense of the poor, we must remember that private owners are not too slow. The city grew from about 3,000 flights or very expensive homes per year and, although he knew, just like when you add water to salt water already less sweet, the solution is more brackish, at least for those who care about those who can not afford nice new homes.

At the current rate it will take 383 years to achieve the goal of creating ten social housing (based on an assumption low number of dwellings to be created).

bimonthly This letter is intended to be a spur to help achieve even partial goals.

State of the realization of the 25,000 homes in 3600 days (known to 10 July 2010):

  • number of public housing new built : 68
  • number of public housing created from offices processed : 0
  • number of public housing created from homes and other buildings abandoned: 0
  • number of public housing created by other means (purchase, rental ,...): 0
  • (-) Deletions of public housing (acquisition by tenants, destruction ,...): 0
  • Total new public housing actually created: 68
  • Time elapsed: 12 months since the political agreements (13 months since the beginning of the legislature)
  • time remaining to complete the provision of housing: 109 months
  • time may be necessary at the current rate of achievement for completing the provision of 25,000 dwellings: 383 years
  • Total number of public housing which should in principle be created during the time (Based on 200 units per month): 2,600
  • Minimum total saved by regional or local authorities in Brussels at the expense of those who occupy the dwellings: € 254,000,000

additional information:

- The text of the Agreement on Government's 2009-2014 July 12, 2009 is available on page
http://www.parlbruparl.irisnet .be/images/imgparl/accords2009/accordsfr.pdf .

Rally Brussels for the right to housing analyzing the achievements in housing the first year of government policy Brussels (and awarding a rating of 1 / 20) Business: As for housing, it seems that Government undertake most actions in order to optimize the use of existing stock. For the creation of additional social housing, the Government intends to carry out much of the Housing Plan adopted in 2004, building green homes and appropriate, but there is currently no question of a new plan that would include the thousands housing needed.

- A site was conducted by the State Secretariat in Brussels for Housing and Planning of the previous Parliament. Only the home page of the site is still accessible, but the content was removed. few months ago.

If you provide me with relevant information, they will be released in the next letter.

Didier Coeurnelle, councilor at Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

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The death of death. Number 16. June 2010.

I do not fear of death, I fear not having lived long enough (Nemo Nobody, the hero of the film "Mister Nobody", the last man to die of old age in 2092)

Theme months: Short international approach to fight for a longer life.

The United States has always a generation ahead it is sometimes said. This, at least in the heart of North America as the first book in science and high diffusion on this theme was written "The Prospect of Immortality " by Robert Ettinger, from the year 1962. And Bill Clinton told the White House in October 1999, We want to live forever, and we're getting there (We want to live forever and we'll get there).

Millennia ago, the writer (or more likely early writers) who attacked Writing at the Grim Reaper was one of the leading authors of the literary history of mankind. His name was lost in the mists of time. But the epic of Gilgamesh, his work is a narrative of struggle without success for immortality, which took place in the plains of Mesopotamia at a time when the writing had just been invented.

Much later, one of the first known philosophers of science who proposes that allows an almost unlimited life lived in France in the 18th century. It was the Marquis de Condorcet, who wrote " Would it be absurd now to suppose that development of the human species must be regarded as capable of unlimited progress, there must come a time when (...) duration of the average interval between birth and destruction she has even no assignable? . And it is also in France, in Arles, that lived to 122 years, Jeanne Calment, the woman who turns the highest in the history of mankind.

For reasons of economic level, food habits but also probably genetic, that Japan and Hong Kong that life expectancy is currently the highest in the world. Also in Asia as the fastest growing technologies in the fields of robotics. It is about helping seniors to be self-reliant through technological means that do not exist yet.

In Russia présoviétique was born a philosophical movement, inspired partly Christian Orthodox, the cosmism. One of his most famous propagators, Nikolaj Fedorov believed that immortality of human beings, an ethical point of view but even from a scientific point of view (!) Should address not only the generations that follow us but even should a day lead to return to life those already dead.

In China the most gigantic efforts have been made for thousands of years ago to allow a life without aging. 2220 years ago, Qin Shihuangdi, the first emperor died, probably in particular following the ingestion of mercury that was supposed to allow it access to immortality. It was an old tradition of the alchemists of the Middle Kingdom to look for the secret to a life without limits. And intense research have also continued, including not very far in Korea to better understand and control stem cells that could one day greatly reduce mechanisms of aging.

Finally, one of the best reasons to work for a healthy life much longer than was described by the Senegalese Amadou Ba Hampaté "An old man dies, a library burns."

But the future of life with aging is negligible perhaps elsewhere. Maybe in the Caribbean Sea from which a strange jellyfish is spreading around the world. Turritopsis nutricula has a life cycle that includes a phase of advanced age to sexual maturity and then a phase of rejuvenation that makes this strange small invertebrate size never seems to die of old age. Perhaps we ought to seek in the deserts of East Africa where e-naked mole-rat is a rodent that lives three decades, far longer than ordinary rodents or near the coast of Iceland or was discovered an "ocean quahog," little snail came from the cold and having reached the age of 400 years.

again that the future of a much longer life in good health is most likely in what is not a geographical place but a virtual place of the meeting of ideas and techniques from laboratories multiple origins and that did not exist for most of us there are fewer than 15 years. That is to say, an eternity in terms of technological progression.

The good news this month: First lungs "regenerated" in rats.

In a laboratory of Connecticut, Yale University, scientists have "decellularized" the lungs of rats, that is to say they have kept the lungs structure. They then "recellularisé" those lungs with stem cells and then performed a transplant of organs from other rats. The lungs were allowed animals to breathe for a few hours.

This experience illustrates the steady increase in cell regeneration. Lung transplants currently have a very high failure rate. There are still however many steps before a transplant like humans particularly given the size difference of the respiratory organ. And yet more ground to other organs.

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