Friday, June 5, 2009


Europe, Europe ... sweet

So there you go apologize, but I will wish to respond publicly on the European elections. Many people think that Europe is useless, hence the HUGE temptation for forbearance. Why?

Finally I would like to say a little word about the campaign led by our dear elected ... Tell me, were you aware that there was a "3rd round of presidential elections" you? Did you know that Europe was France? What Eurocentrism!

Why do I say this? For that, AMONG OTHERS:

The most interesting is the sentence of Arlette Chabot: " good, we can talk about Europe now? " ...

My thought is that why mix the roles? Why a national campaign (the vote is for a lot of parties a way to punish the incumbent government)?

After one comes to complain that the French are not interested in these elections ... You know what

? I feels. Should I really vote for this mess politics? Or should I abstain?
In fact I do not want to abstain, to be among the many citizens who will not take the trouble to move and subsequently criticize EU policies established. In fact, I'll vote, but I will vote, hopefully wisely, taking care not to slip into a ballot the names of those who took the wrong campaign. Who am I going to vote then ...?

Because a good préparationnaire must have filled a critical look at the features of his society, this thought is being given for this purpose. But it also has a message because a préparationnaire must also participate actively in the life of his company ...
... Go vote, abstention should not be the only thing we remember from this election!

SPOT ON THE ELECTION: (very well done!)


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