Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is The Term Stove Eye

Nonviolent Civil Defence and technoprogressisme

Ecolo adopted January 15, 2010 in Council of Federation (the "parliament" of the party) In a text entitled NATO security policy and defense policy? .

Below Amendment I introduced and which was adopted with all the text and the explanation that I read before the vote.

For me it is an existential problem. Technological advances that we live is extraordinary and should be addressed within a perspective technoprogressiste (term I have not used 15 January), but being aware of the dangers. One way to limit risk is to make daily life more precious and the use of violence even more unacceptable.

Didier Coeurnelle

Defense nonviolent civil

Developments technology make our world a set of increasingly complex and fragile. The scientific progress rapidly. This is expressed already in the field of nuclear weapons, including the possibilities of miniaturization ("mini-nukes") but also potentially in the field of biological, chemical, nanotechnology. Further developments of knowledge in the field of automation and artificial intelligence make weapons of mass destruction, from year to year, more feasible.

It therefore appears that the development of means of non-violent resolution of conflicts is even more important today than yesterday. Not because men and women are more violent today than yesterday. But because the use of violence with lethal consequences of mass is increasingly easy. Everything that makes this practice more difficult, physically, psychologically and morally is a safeguard for today and more tomorrow.

The EU is the privileged place that should serve as an example and these engine strategies. This assumes that the armies of the Union comply absolutely the most stringent criteria for the use of the military. And it also requires an awareness of future challenges among policy makers and military.

Explanation of Amendment

The subject of great interest to Ecolo less today than yesterday. Why?

Among others, it is following good news. Even if we do not realize it, the resolution of conflicts through violence is increasingly rare in the European theater and to a lesser extent, in the world. Whether at the scale of millennia, centuries and that even the decades, the overall trend is very positive.

We use less violence in private. Although men were at that level for decades behind the women, kill his neighbor, or even injure an act becomes increasingly scarce. In Europe we have a level of violence much lower than that of other continents.

Institutional violence is less widespread. In Europe, the death penalty is now banned throughout the Penal Code, while democratic states like the U.S. and Japan implement it yet.

Finally, the interstate violence decreases. The European Union is an entity that has avoided since its inception any armed conflict between its members so that just a century such hatred between English, French and Prussian seemed absolutely inextinguishable.

These positive developments are part of a global framework. We live increasingly in a long growing material affluence in societies where self-knowledge but also the other is constantly growing. This is mainly due to huge technological advances.

But unfortunately, the technical advances are not just about positive developments. In 1945 he was the first time can kill in an instant of civilians by the hundreds of thousands with only one weapon, nuclear weapons. During the 50s, the Nuclear power is such that few people could now destroy the human race if not in all cases, the civilization we know today.

We do not perceive but, to quote a comedian a bit cynical, each year the IQ necessary to destroy the planet decreases by 1%. In the coming decades, the advances in nanotechnology, genetic engineering, understanding and control mechanisms of life and IT developments in particular in the field of artificial intelligence will grow the massive risks to civilian populations existential and even to humans. The risks associated with nuclear weapons have decreased overall in terms of risk of global destruction. But these risks have diversified and increased by the multiplication of entities that have nuclear weapons, the possibilities of miniaturization. And especially the nuclear risk is the only potentially more existential risk.

risks that we perceive are not yet, each year more distressing. Bloodhound to the risks of using human life must become more today than yesterday and tomorrow more than today the
e most valuable asset. It is essential make any use of violence vis-à-vis civilians not possible.

The place of the world who can do more to lead by example in this regard is the European Union. But a European Union even more demanding vis-à-vis itself the standpoint of non-violence as for others. Because it is our honor in the short term. Because it is in our interest in the medium term. And because he could get from our long-term survival.

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