Sunday, July 4, 2010

American Pit Bull Poodle Mix

The death of death. Number 16. June 2010.

I do not fear of death, I fear not having lived long enough (Nemo Nobody, the hero of the film "Mister Nobody", the last man to die of old age in 2092)

Theme months: Short international approach to fight for a longer life.

The United States has always a generation ahead it is sometimes said. This, at least in the heart of North America as the first book in science and high diffusion on this theme was written "The Prospect of Immortality " by Robert Ettinger, from the year 1962. And Bill Clinton told the White House in October 1999, We want to live forever, and we're getting there (We want to live forever and we'll get there).

Millennia ago, the writer (or more likely early writers) who attacked Writing at the Grim Reaper was one of the leading authors of the literary history of mankind. His name was lost in the mists of time. But the epic of Gilgamesh, his work is a narrative of struggle without success for immortality, which took place in the plains of Mesopotamia at a time when the writing had just been invented.

Much later, one of the first known philosophers of science who proposes that allows an almost unlimited life lived in France in the 18th century. It was the Marquis de Condorcet, who wrote " Would it be absurd now to suppose that development of the human species must be regarded as capable of unlimited progress, there must come a time when (...) duration of the average interval between birth and destruction she has even no assignable? . And it is also in France, in Arles, that lived to 122 years, Jeanne Calment, the woman who turns the highest in the history of mankind.

For reasons of economic level, food habits but also probably genetic, that Japan and Hong Kong that life expectancy is currently the highest in the world. Also in Asia as the fastest growing technologies in the fields of robotics. It is about helping seniors to be self-reliant through technological means that do not exist yet.

In Russia présoviétique was born a philosophical movement, inspired partly Christian Orthodox, the cosmism. One of his most famous propagators, Nikolaj Fedorov believed that immortality of human beings, an ethical point of view but even from a scientific point of view (!) Should address not only the generations that follow us but even should a day lead to return to life those already dead.

In China the most gigantic efforts have been made for thousands of years ago to allow a life without aging. 2220 years ago, Qin Shihuangdi, the first emperor died, probably in particular following the ingestion of mercury that was supposed to allow it access to immortality. It was an old tradition of the alchemists of the Middle Kingdom to look for the secret to a life without limits. And intense research have also continued, including not very far in Korea to better understand and control stem cells that could one day greatly reduce mechanisms of aging.

Finally, one of the best reasons to work for a healthy life much longer than was described by the Senegalese Amadou Ba Hampaté "An old man dies, a library burns."

But the future of life with aging is negligible perhaps elsewhere. Maybe in the Caribbean Sea from which a strange jellyfish is spreading around the world. Turritopsis nutricula has a life cycle that includes a phase of advanced age to sexual maturity and then a phase of rejuvenation that makes this strange small invertebrate size never seems to die of old age. Perhaps we ought to seek in the deserts of East Africa where e-naked mole-rat is a rodent that lives three decades, far longer than ordinary rodents or near the coast of Iceland or was discovered an "ocean quahog," little snail came from the cold and having reached the age of 400 years.

again that the future of a much longer life in good health is most likely in what is not a geographical place but a virtual place of the meeting of ideas and techniques from laboratories multiple origins and that did not exist for most of us there are fewer than 15 years. That is to say, an eternity in terms of technological progression.

The good news this month: First lungs "regenerated" in rats.

In a laboratory of Connecticut, Yale University, scientists have "decellularized" the lungs of rats, that is to say they have kept the lungs structure. They then "recellularisé" those lungs with stem cells and then performed a transplant of organs from other rats. The lungs were allowed animals to breathe for a few hours.

This experience illustrates the steady increase in cell regeneration. Lung transplants currently have a very high failure rate. There are still however many steps before a transplant like humans particularly given the size difference of the respiratory organ. And yet more ground to other organs.


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